
Tuesday 21 May 2013

Baptiste's Birthday

Yesterday was Baptiste's 17th birthday. (He's the second eldest son of my French fam over here.) I wasn't too sure if they were doing anything for it, but I decided not to impose myself on them as I knew it would be a family affair. This worked out quite well for me as I was feeling a little tired/drunky from Han's dinner on the balcony. However, I had decided to get him a cannelé (a little French cake-thing/speciality of Bordeaux) at 11am, I went downstairs in the previous night's make up to get the present-giving over and done with. Or so I thought.
Madame informed me that anything edible will please Baptiste (how alike we are!), and as he was so thrilled with this little cake, I was promptly invited to lunch! 

Of course, I didn't want to take advantage of this offering, so I offered to help Madame in the kitchen - and she let me!

We started off with pudding - I was in charge of mixing the melted chocolate and spreading it onto the pastry base. I was even allowed to lick the spoon! The base was a thin layer of melted dark chocolate and the filling was a creamy coconut mixture...

 Tarte chocolat & noix de coco

This went in the oven, which meant it was time for main course prep! She whipped out two pork tenderloins and two more pastry bases and showed me what to do. Essentially it was like a beef wellington - but obviously it was much classier and yummier because it was French. 
This time, I was in charge of chopping and cooking the onions, but sadly I failed as I started to cry. Awks. I settled for washing up instead. Once the pork was cooked a bit, she lay it on a bed of (perfectly) cooked onions and lathered it in a creamy mustard sauce. I nearly dribbled. Then she folded it all up and put a 'B' on it for Baptiste. (That was my idea - clearly I'm very influential in the French kitchen).


Pigs in blankets

Once they were in the oven, it was time to lay the table. When I offered my assistance for this part, I was 100% certain that I was a great table layer. Flawless, even. However, all this confidence came crashing down as Madame turned all the forks over the wrong way - with the prongs pointing in to the table. Still feeling pretty sure of myself, I went to turn them back over, when she started to tell me that that wasn't how the French do it. I couldn't believe my English-ness had let me down. Apparently, by placing the prongs upwards, the forks appear aggressive, and the French no likey. 

peaceful table laying

I think I managed to redeem myself with the choco-coco tart decorating though!

For drinks, we had champagne with sirop de châtaigne (chestnut syrup), and it is so so tasty! It's clearly a special occasion drink, as I had it at Madame's birthday supps too.

(Can anyone spot a non-agressive fork?) 

Everyone was called down when it was time to eat, and oh my did we eat. We had a starter of giant white asparagus things. (I would have taken a photo, but it's just a giant white asparagus, so I felt it was pointless.) This was of course followed by bread for mopping up any sauce, which was then followed by the pork pastry surprise!! It was absolutely delicious and due to having four hungry boys, Madame always makes extra for second helpings! (Clearly they're my kind of people!)
As soon as the last piece of bread had gone, it was time for pudding and presents!! (They thought it was crazy when I asked what presents he had received in the morning - "Presents must be opened with cake!")


Can you see that pink thing she's holding?! 
Poor Baptiste only got three presents - two books and a pair of football boots - and they weren't even wrapped. (I don't think he'd been naughty, that's just how they do it here.) I'm pretty sure I disguised my disappointment well - and I'm pretty sure he didn't consider himself to be 'poor'! I was just a bit surprised/spoilt! 

He seemed very pleased and even read the blurb out from one of his books - which I understood! Hurrah! I am learning and not just eating. 

Kind of..

The chocolate-coconut tart was scrumptious! And apparently it's Baptiste's fave, so I'm not feeling too bad for him now! This was another time that I was thankful for Madame having four hungry boys, as the helpings are mahooosive. And now so am I. 

I am aware that every single blog I have written has been about food - I am. But I'm not sorry. I'm not even going to blame it on the rubbishy weather...I challenge anyone to come and live with my lovely Madame and try to resist this scrumminess! 


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